This is the online launch of the Centre's new Baltic Geopolitics Programme. HE Kersti Kaljulaid, the President of the Republic of Estonia, gave opening remarks followed by Professor John Bew, Professor David Abulafia and Edward Lucas, who then took part in a panel discussion.
Professor Brendan Simms, the Director of the Centre for Geopolitics and David Cairns speak about the planned activities and the opportunities to support the programme.
Professor Anna Mazurkiewicz and Dr Henrik Breitenbauch introduce Baltic Geopolitics Network, which informally connects scholars from leading universities and research institutes from across the UK and the Baltic area to build and disseminate knowledge on the international history and politics of the greater Baltic region, especially Britain’s role in them. Its founder members are the Universities of Cambridge, Copenhagen, Gdansk, Glasgow, Greifswald, Helsinki, Klaipeda, Latvia, Tartu and Uppsala.
Chair: Rt Hon Charles Clarke, Former Home Secretary
HE Kersti Kaljulaid, President of the Republic of Estonia
Professor John Bew, Adviser on Foreign Policy to the Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, Prime Minister
Professor David Abulafia, FBA, Emeritus Professor of Mediterranean History at Cambridge University and author of 'The Boundless Sea’
Edward Lucas, writer, journalist and analyst of geopolitics and the Baltic states
Professor Brendan Simms, Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Professor Anna Mazurkiewicz, Deputy Dean for Research and International Cooperation, Faculty of History, University of Gdańsk
Dr Henrik Breitenbauch, Head of Centre of Military Studies, University of Copenhagen
David Cairns, Vice President Political and Public Affairs Global for Equinor; Former UK Ambassador to Sweden and Foreign Office Director for the Nordic Baltic region