Charles Talks to ViseGrad about the ECJ Ruling on EU Migration
Charles was interviewed by ViseGrad Insight about the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Click here for further information.
Charles was interviewed by ViseGrad Insight about the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Click here for further information.
Global instability and organised terror; mass flows of people across states; economic stagnation and environmental danger - the...
The enormous challenges facing the EU free movement of people in the face of internal inequalities and external instability, means...
After a swift rise to parliamentary prominence as an unstinting Eurosceptic, Douglas Carswell, MP for Clacton, made headlines again after...
Two academics, whom Charles Clarke worked with on the Centre for Research & Analysis of Migration's 'What Do We Know About Migration?'...
The Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration at University College London, where Charles Clarke is a Visiting Professor, published...
Providing easily searchable, in-depth data and accompanying expert analysis, the Migration Policy Institute has recently relaunched its...
Charles Clarke participated in a Justice Across Borders Fringe Meeting at the Labour Party Conference. Click here for further details.
Charles Clarke participated in a Migration Leaders' Policy Seminar organised by the Migration Policy Institute and the School of Public...
Charles Clarke was interviewed together with European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom on 'On the Frontline' about the problems in the...
Charles Clarke recorded a short video for the campaign group Justice Across Borders, making the case that the UK should not opt out from...
Charles Clarke participated in a Washington seminar of the Transatlantic Council of the Migration Policy Institute, on the subject...
The short broadcast, for the Euranet radio network, concerned the reintroduction of internal borders in the European Union. Click here...
Charles Clarke gave a lecture on migration at the leading Dublin international policy thinktank, the Institute for International and...
The ECFR published a blog which summarises the Centre for European Reform pamphlet on Migration and the European Union, published earlier...
Charles Clarke participated in a meeting of the Transatlantic Council of the Migration Policy Institute, which took place in Berlin. The...
Charles led a Black Coffee Morning at the European Council on Foreign Relations on "Europe and Migration: Reconciling Europe's interests...
This speech sets out the way in which an effective system to control immigration can be established. It was given at the annual...